Farfars is a women-led production company based on the Norwegian west coast, in the childhood home of farfar (grandfather), perched on the Klavefjord in the village of Brandsøy, Florø. We take inspiration from our elder storytellers and the living world.

  • Suneeta Rani Gill

    From the land of Punjab, Suneeta grew up in England and Turtle Island where she studied experimental film and anthropology. Her study in Sensory Media and Visual Anthropology at the Granada Centre in Manchester eventually led her to Brandsøy, Florø, where her deep connection to land was reawakened through shepherding and storytelling. Together with Siri Linn, she founded Farfars and the artist collective Sunken Bank. She surely does not miss her days working on a current affairs show in New York, and is currently dreaming up a project that takes her back to her roots.

  • Siri Linn Brandsøy

    Siri Linn is a deep-mapper, writer and creative producer with a background in journalism, visual anthropology and digital communications. In the films she works on, nature is always something more than just an aesthetic backdrop. For her, storytelling is a sensory expression of what it means to be alive. Her first preferred form of expression was language as text, later moving on to photography and ultimately filmmaking. She loves to combine them all and contribute to new projects in whatever capacity she can. Siri Linn oversees many different projects as a creative and a producer at Farfars, and has more seeding ideas than she will be able to see through in this life-time.

  • Lasse Huldt Pedersen

    Lasse is our designated nature- and wildlife film photographer. He grew up in the forest outside of Elverum and has been observing nature and tracking wildlife since he first set foot on the moss. With a background in geography, art, culture, and digital technology, Lasse enjoys exploring new ways of storytelling. He has a special eye for nature, flora and fauna, and prefers the outdoors to the office. In his first feature-length film, "Dancing Between Wolves and Farmers," he follows the footsteps of his greatest fascination: the wolf, inviting us all on an extraordinary journey.